132 PROCL-00001 to PROCL-00110

PROCL-00001: Oracle Local Registry cannot be initialized.

Cause: An invalid init level was passed to initialize Oracle Local Registry.

Action: Initialize Oracle Local Registry with a valid init level.

PROCL-00002: Cannot perform local registry operation at the current init level.

Cause: Program tried a local registry operation which is not permitted at the init level.

Action: Initialize Oracle Local Registry with an appropriate init level.

PROCL-00003: Cannot perform local registry operation because context is invalid.

Cause: The Oracle Local Registry context passed was invalid.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00004: The local registry key to be operated on does not exist.

Cause: Program tried a local registry operation on a key which does not exist.

Action: Check to see if the key exists and try the operation again.

PROCL-00005: User does not have permission to perform a local registry operation on this key.

Cause: Program tried an operation on a local registry key for which it does not have permission.

Action: Check to see if program is run as the correct user.

PROCL-00006: User does not have permission to perform a local registry operation on this key.

Cause: Program tried a local registry operation on a key for which it does not have permission.

Action: Check to see if program is run as the correct user.

PROCL-00007: Cannot perform local registry operation because the key or batch handle is invalid.

Cause: The local registry key or batch handle passed was invalid.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00008: Cannot perform local registry operation because one of the parameters is invalid.

Cause: Program tried a local registry operation using an invalid parameter.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00009: Cannot perform local registry operation because the buffer passed is too small.

Cause: The amount of memory allocated for the buffer was insufficent.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00010: Cannot delete the local registry key as subkeys exist.

Cause: The program tried to delete a key for which subkeys exist.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00011: Cannot perform local registry operation because key is NULL.

Cause: The local registry key passed was NULL.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00012: Out of heap memory.

Cause: The program ran out of heap memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00013: Cannot perform local registry operation because one of the parameters is NULL.

Cause: Program tried a local registry operation using an NULL parameter.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00014: Unknown error occurred

Cause: This is generic internal error for Oracle Local Registry.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00015: Failed to initialize the local registry

Cause: The Oracle Local Registry could not be accessed. The possible causes are: 1. The local registry has not been formatted. 2. The local registry file is not accessible. 3. The local registry file has incorrect permissions. 4. Oracle Clusterware is not running.

Action: 1. Run the 'ocrcheck -local' command to confirm that the OLR is formatted and usable. 2. Run 'ocrcheck -local -config' command to retrieve the configured file, and verify that the file is accessible and has the correct permissions via native platform or OS methods 3. Run 'crsctl check crs' command to verify that Oracle Clusterware is running.

PROCL-00016: Cannot retrieve any more subkeys for the given keyhandle

Cause: The key has no more subkeys to enumerate.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00017: Unimplemented feature

Cause: Requested feature has not been implemented in the current release.

Action: Try the feature again in the upcoming Oracle release.

PROCL-00018: The value size passed is too large

Cause: Cannot set a value of the given size.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00019: Cannot create more subkeys for the key

Cause: An attempt was made to create more subkeys under a key that is not permitted by the local registry.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00020: ORACLE_HOME environment not set

Cause: ORACLE_HOME environment not set.

Action: Make sure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable has been properly set and exported.

PROCL-00021: Maximum permitted depth of the OLR tree is reached

Cause: An attempt was made to create subkeys under a key which is already at depth PROCR_MAX_KEY_DEPTH

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00022: The OLR backend has an invalid format

Cause: An attempt was made to use OLR before initializing it.

Action: Use the root.sh script. The 'ocrconfig -local -upgrade' command will initialize OLR.

PROCL-00023: Error in retrieving hostname

Cause: An error occurred while retrieving hostname.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00024: Error in the messaging layer

Cause: An error occurred in the messaging layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00025: Error in the NLS services

Cause: An error occurred in the NLS services while performing a local registry operation.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00026: Error while accessing the physical storage

Cause: The Oracle Local Registry could not be accessed. The possible causes are: 1. The local registry has not been formatted. 2. The local registry file is not accessible. 3. The local registry file has incorrect permissions.

Action: 1. Run the 'ocrcheck -local' command to confirm that the OLR is formatted and usable. 2. Run 'ocrcheck -local -config' command to retrieve the configured file, and verify that the file is accessible and has the correct permissions via native platform or OS methods

PROCL-00027: Error in authentication layer

Cause: An error occurred in the authentication layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00028: Oracle Local Registry already in current version

Cause: An attempt to upgrade the local registry which has already been upgraded.

Action: No action required.

PROCL-00029: Error in logging layer

Cause: An error occurred in the logging layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00031: Storage device for the local registry is too small

Cause: The configured storage device for local registry was too small.

Action: Refer to the documentation and configure a storage device that is large enough for use by local registry.

PROCL-00032: Oracle High Availability Services on the local node is not running

Cause: Oracle High Availability Services on the local node was not running

Action: Run 'crsctl start crs' command to start the Oracle High Availability Services on the local node.

PROCL-00033: Oracle Local Registry is not configured

Cause: Oracle Local Registry configuration was not present on the node.

Action: Install and configure Oracle Clusterware.

PROCL-00035: Cannot perform local registry operation due to invalid version

Cause: The operation cannot be performed for this local active version

Action: Complete the upgrade before retrying the operation

PROCL-00036: No free space to perform this operation

Cause: There is no free space left to perform the requested operation

Action: Free up space and retry the operation

PROCL-00037: Oracle Local Registry does not support the storage type configured

Cause: The configured storage type for local registry is not supported

Action: Change the configuration of the local registry to a supported storage type. Refer to Oracle documentation for an exhaustive list for each platform.

PROCL-00038: Requested block number is not allocated from Oracle Local Registry

Cause: The requested block number is not allocated from Oracle Local Registry

Action: Retry the operation with another block number

PROCL-00039: Requested block has an invalid header

Cause: The requested block has an invalid header

Action: Retry the operation with another block number

PROCL-00040: Cannot add more operations to the batch

Cause: An attempt was made to add an operation to a batch that already has the maximum allowed operations.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00041: Oracle Local Registry is incorrectly configured

Cause: The local registry is incorrectly configured.

Action: Correct the local registry configuration.

PROCL-00042: User cannot access Oracle Local Registry configuration

Cause: Program encountered an error accessing the local registry configuration.

Action: Check to see if program is run as the correct user. Check that the local registry configuration has the correct permissions.

PROCL-00044: Error in network address and interface operations

Cause: An error occurred in the network address and interface operations layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00046: Cannot perform local registry operation because the batch is empty.

Cause: An attempt was made to execute the batch without any operations in it.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00048: Cannot perform the Oracle Local Registry operation due to a transient error.

Cause: A transient error occurred while performing the requested Oracle Local Registry operation. The operation was aborted without retrying, as requested by the client.

Action: Retry the operation.

PROCL-00049: The specified Oracle Local Registry backup location is inaccessible on the local node.

Cause: The backup location did not exist or the required permissions were not granted.

Action: Ensure that the location exists and the required file creation permissions are granted.

PROCL-00051: Error in patch management layer

Cause: An error occurred in the patch management layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00053: The configured patch level does not match the release patch level

Cause: The possible causes are: 1. Oracle Clusterware was started before the patch application had completed. 2. Oracle Clusterware was started from a location other than the Grid Infrastructure home that was most recently patched.

Action: Check the Oracle High Availability Service (OHASD) log file for details. 1. Complete applying the patch on this node. 2. Ensure the Oracle Clusterware is started from the Grid Infrastructure home that was most recently patched. Verify the patch level matches using the 'crsctl query crs releasepatch' and the 'crsctl query crs softwarepatch' commands. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00054: The requested OLR operation is not supported.

Cause: An attempt was made to use an operation that is not supported.

Action: Verify the operation is valid before resubmitting it.

PROCL-00055: cannot create and set the local registry key because the key already exists

Cause: The program tried to create and set the local registry key when the key already exists.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00056: user does not have privilege to access the Oracle Local Registry

Cause: An operation that accesses the Oracle Local Registry was requested by a user with insufficient privileges.

Action: Run the command as root or administrator user.

PROCL-00057: Oracle Local Registry contains inconsistent data.

Cause: Inconsistent data was detected in the Oracle Local Registry.

Action: Check the availability of Oracle Local Registry backups using the 'ocrconfig -local -showbackup' command and restore a compatible backup. If you are not able to resolve the problem, contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00101: Operating System error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error occurred in the operating system layer while performing a local registry operation

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00102: Cluster services error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error occurred in the cluster services layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00103: Messaging error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error occurred in the messaging layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00104: Authentication error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error occurred in the authentication layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00105: Logging error

Cause: An error occurred in the logging layer while while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00106: Unidentified component error

Cause: An error occurred in an unidentified layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00107: Storage layer error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error occurred in the storage layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00109: Network address and interface operations error

Cause: An error occurred in the network address and interface operations layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PROCL-00110: Patch and upgrade error [<varname>string</varname>]

Cause: An error occurred in the patch and upgrade management layer while performing a local registry operation.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.