21.4 Cartridge Services — Maintaining Context

Lists and describes cartridge services maintaining context functions.

Table 21-3 lists the maintaining context functions that are described in this section.

Table 21-3 Maintaining Context Functions

Function Purpose


Remove the value stored in the context


Return a unique 4-byte value each time it is called


Return the value stored in the context


Save a value (or address) for a particular duration

See Also:

Oracle Database Data Cartridge Developer's Guide for more information about using these functions

21.4.1 OCIContextClearValue()

Removes the value that is stored in the context associated with the given key (by calling OCIContextSetValue()).


Removes the value that is stored in the context associated with the given key (by calling OCIContextSetValue()).


sword OCIContextClearValue( void     *hndl, 
                            OCIError *err, 
                            ub1      *key, 
                            ub1       keylen );


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN)

The error handle.

key (IN)

Unique key value.

keylen (IN)

Length of the key. Maximum value is 255 bytes or UB1MAXVAL - 1.


An error is returned when a nonexistent key is passed.


  • If the operation succeeds, the function returns OCI_SUCCESS.

  • If the operation fails, the function returns OCI_ERROR.

21.4.2 OCIContextGenerateKey()

Returns a unique, 4-byte value each time it is called.


Returns a unique, 4-byte value each time it is called.


sword OCIContextGenerateKey( void     *hndl, 
                             OCIError *err, 
                             ub4      *key );


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN)

The error handle.

key (IN)

Unique key value.


This value is unique for each session.


  • If the operation succeeds, the function returns OCI_SUCCESS.

  • If the operation fails, the function returns OCI_ERROR.

21.4.3 OCIContextGetValue()

Returns the value that is stored in the context associated with the given key (by calling OCIContextSetValue()).


Returns the value that is stored in the context associated with the given key (by calling OCIContextSetValue()).


sword OCIContextGetValue( void       *hndl, 
                          OCIError   *err, 
                          ub1        *key, 
                          ub1         keylen, 
                          void      **ctx_value );


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN)

The error handle.

key (IN)

Unique key value.

keylen (IN)

Length of the key. Maximum value is 255 bytes or UB1MAXVAL - 1.

ctx_value (IN)

Pointer to the value stored in the context (NULL if no value was stored).


For ctx_value, a pointer to a preallocated pointer for the stored context to be returned is required.


  • If the operation succeeds, the function returns OCI_SUCCESS.

  • If the operation fails, the function returns OCI_ERROR.

21.4.4 OCIContextSetValue()

Saves a value (or address) for a particular duration.


Saves a value (or address) for a particular duration.


sword OCIContextSetValue( void        *hndl, 
                          OCIError    *err, 
                          OCIDuration  duration, 
                          ub1         *key, 
                          ub1          keylen, 
                          void        *ctx_value );


hndl (IN)

The OCI environment or user session handle.

err (IN)

The error handle.

duration (IN)

One of these values (a previously created user duration):



key (IN)

Unique key value.

keylen (IN)

Length of the key. Maximum value is 255 bytes or UB1MAXVAL - 1.

ctx_value (IN)

Pointer that is saved in the context.


The context value being stored must be allocated out of memory of duration greater than or equal to the duration being passed in. The key being passed in should be unique in this session. Trying to save a context value under the same key and duration again results in overwriting the old context value with the new one. Typically, a client allocates a structure, stores its address in the context using this call, and gets this address in a separate call using OCIContextGetValue(). The (key, value) association can be explicitly removed by calling OCIContextClearValue(), or else it goes away at the end of the duration.


  • If the operation succeeds, the function returns OCI_SUCCESS.

  • If the operation fails, the function returns OCI_ERROR.

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