17.3 Handle and Descriptor Functions

Lists and describes the OCI handle and descriptor functions.

Table 17-3 lists the OCI handle and descriptor functions that are described in this section.

Table 17-3 Handle and Descriptor Functions  

Function Purpose


Allocate an array of descriptors


Free an array of descriptors


Get the value of an attribute of a handle


Set the value of an attribute of a handle or descriptor


Allocate and initialize a descriptor or LOB locator


Free a previously allocated descriptor


Allocate and initialize a handle


Free a previously allocated handle


Get a parameter descriptor


Set parameter descriptor in COR handle

17.3.1 OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc()

Allocates an array of descriptors.


Allocates an array of descriptors.


sword OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc ( const void    *parenth,
                                void         **descpp, 
                                const ub4      type,
                                ub4            array_size,
                                const size_t   xtramem_sz,
                                void         **usrmempp);


parenth (IN)

An environment handle.

descpp (OUT)

Returns a pointer to a contiguous array of descriptors of the desired type.

type (IN)

Specifies the type of descriptor or LOB locator to be allocated. For a list of types, see OCIDescriptorAlloc().

array_size (IN)

Specifies the number of descriptors to allocate. An error is thrown when the call cannot allocate the number of descriptors.

xtramem_sz (IN)

Specifies an amount of user memory to be allocated for use by the application for the lifetime of the descriptors.

usrmempp (OUT)

Returns a pointer to an array of pointers numbering in array_size, since there is one chunk allocated for each of the descriptors allocated.


This call returns OCI_SUCCESS if successful, or a suitable error if an out-of-memory condition occurs.

See Also:

User Memory Allocation for more information about the xtramem_sz parameter and user memory allocation


The following code example can be modified to allocate a large number of descriptors.

Allocating a Large Number of Descriptors

OCIDateTime *descpp1[500];
for (i = 0; i!=500; i++)
     /* Allocate descriptors */
OCIDescriptorAlloc((void  *)envhp,(void  **)&descpp1[i], OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ,
                   0,(void  **)0);

The for loop in the previous code example can now be replaced with a single call, as shown in the following code example.

Allocating an Array of Descriptors

OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc((void *)envhp,(void **)&descpp1,
                        OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ, 500, 0, (void **)0);

17.3.2 OCIArrayDescriptorFree()

Free a previously allocated array of descriptors.


Free a previously allocated array of descriptors.


sword OCIArrayDescriptorFree ( void       **descp,
                               const ub4    type );


descp (IN)

Pointer to an array of allocated descriptors.

type (IN)

Specifies the type of storage to be freed. See the types listed in OCIDescriptorAlloc().


An error is returned when a descriptor is allocated using OCIDescriptorAlloc(), but freed using OCIArrayDescriptorFree().

If you perform LOB operations, you must always call OCILobFreeTemporary() before calling OCIArrayDescriptorFree() to free the contents of the temporary LOB. See About Freeing Temporary LOBs for more information.

Descriptors allocated using OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc() must be freed using OCIArrayDescriptorFree(). You must be careful to free the entire array at once: pass in the pointer descpp returned by OCIArrayDescriptorAlloc() to OCIArrayDescriptorFree() appropriately. Otherwise, there can be memory leaks.

17.3.3 OCIAttrGet()

Gets the value of an attribute of a handle.


Gets the value of an attribute of a handle.


sword OCIAttrGet ( const void     *trgthndlp,
                   ub4             trghndltyp,
                   void           *attributep,
                   ub4            *sizep,
                   ub4             attrtype,
                   OCIError       *errhp );


trgthndlp (IN)

Pointer to a handle type. The actual handle can be a statement handle, a session handle, and so on. When this call is used to get encoding, users are allowed to check against either an environment or statement handle.

trghndltyp (IN)

The handle type. Valid types are:

  • OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, for a parameter descriptor

  • OCI_HTYPE_STMT, for a statement handle

  • Any handle type in Table 3-1 or any descriptor in Table 3-2.

attributep (OUT)

Pointer to the storage for an attribute value. Is in the encoding specified by the charset parameter of a previous call to OCIEnvNlsCreate().

sizep (OUT)

The size of the attribute value, always in bytes because attributep is a void pointer. This can be passed as NULL for most attributes because the sizes of non-string attributes are already known by the OCI library. For text* parameters, a pointer to a ub4 must be passed in to get the length of the string.

attrtype (IN)

The type of attribute being retrieved. The handle types and their readable attributes are listed in Handle and Descriptor Attributes.

errhp (IN/OUT)

An error handle that you can pass to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information when there is an error.


This call is used to get a particular attribute of a handle. OCI_DTYPE_PARAM is used to do implicit and explicit describes. The parameter descriptor is also used in direct path loading. For implicit describes, the parameter descriptor has the column description for each select list. For explicit describes, the parameter descriptor has the describe information for each schema object that you are trying to describe. If the top-level parameter descriptor has an attribute that is itself a descriptor, use OCI_ATTR_PARAM as the attribute type in the subsequent call to OCIAttrGet() to get the Unicode information in an environment or statement handle.

A function closely related to OCIAttrGet() is OCIDescribeAny(), which is a generic describe call that describes existing schema objects: tables, views, synonyms, procedures, functions, packages, sequences, and types. As a result of this call, the describe handle is populated with the object-specific attributes that can be obtained through an OCIAttrGet() call.

Then an OCIParamGet() call on the describe handle returns a parameter descriptor for a specified position. Parameter positions begin with 1. Calling OCIAttrGet() on the parameter descriptor returns the specific attributes of a stored procedure or function parameter or a table column descriptor. These subsequent calls do not need an extra round-trip to the server because the entire schema object description is cached on the client side by OCIDescribeAny(). Calling OCIAttrGet() on the describe handle can also return the total number of positions.

In UTF-16 mode, particularly when executing a loop, try to reuse the same pointer variable corresponding to an attribute and copy the contents to local variables after OCIAttrGet() is called. If multiple pointers are used for the same attribute, a memory leak can occur.

17.3.4 OCIAttrSet()

Sets the value of an attribute of a handle or a descriptor.


Sets the value of an attribute of a handle or a descriptor.


sword OCIAttrSet ( void        *trgthndlp,
                   ub4          trghndltyp,
                   void        *attributep,
                   ub4          size,
                   ub4          attrtype,
                   OCIError    *errhp );


trgthndlp (IN/OUT)

Pointer to a handle whose attribute gets modified.

trghndltyp (IN/OUT)

The handle type.

attributep (IN)

Pointer to an attribute value. The attribute value is copied into the target handle. If the attribute value is a pointer, then only the pointer is copied, not the contents of the pointer. String attributes must be in the encoding specified by the charset parameter of a previous call to OCIEnvNlsCreate().

size (IN)

The size of an attribute value. This can be passed in as 0 for most attributes, as the size is already known by the OCI library. For text* attributes, a ub4 must be passed in set to the length of the string in bytes, regardless of encoding.

attrtype (IN)

The type of attribute being set.

errhp (IN/OUT)

An error handle that you can pass to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information when there is an error.


See Handle and Descriptor Attributes for a list of handle types and their writable attributes.

17.3.5 OCIDescriptorAlloc()

Allocates storage to hold descriptors or LOB locators.


Allocates storage to hold descriptors or LOB locators.


sword OCIDescriptorAlloc ( const void    *parenth,
                           void         **descpp, 
                           ub4            type,
                           size_t         xtramem_sz,
                           void         **usrmempp);


parenth (IN)

An environment handle.

descpp (OUT)

Returns a descriptor or LOB locator of the desired type.

type (IN)

Specifies the type of descriptor or LOB locator to be allocated:

  • OCI_DTYPE_SNAP - Specifies generation of snapshot descriptor of C type OCISnapshot.

  • OCI_DTYPE_LOB - Specifies generation of a LOB value type locator (for a BLOB or CLOB) of C type OCILobLocator.

  • OCI_DTYPE_FILE - Specifies generation of a FILE value type locator of C type OCILobLocator.

  • OCI_DTYPE_ROWID - Specifies generation of a ROWID descriptor of C type OCIRowid.

  • OCI_DTYPE_DATE - Specifies generation of an ANSI DATE descriptor of C type OCIDateTime.

  • OCI_DTYPE_PARAM - Specifies generation of a read-only parameter descriptor of C type OCIParam.

  • OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP - Specifies generation of a TIMESTAMP descriptor of C type OCIDateTime.

  • OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP_TZ - Specifies generation of a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE descriptor of C type OCIDateTime.

  • OCI_DTYPE_TIMESTAMP_LTZ - Specifies generation of a TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE descriptor of C type OCIDateTime.

  • OCI_DTYPE_INTERVAL_YM - Specifies generation of an INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH descriptor of C type OCIInterval.

  • OCI_DTYPE_INTERVAL_DS - Specifies generation of an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND descriptor of C type OCIInterval.

  • OCI_DTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECTCOMP - Specifies generation of a complex object retrieval descriptor of C type OCIComplexObjectComp.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQENQ_OPTIONS - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing enqueue options descriptor of C type OCIAQEnqOptions.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQDEQ_OPTIONS - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing dequeue options descriptor of C type OCIAQDeqOptions.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQMSG_PROPERTIES - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing message properties descriptor of C type OCIAQMsgProperties.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQAGENT - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing agent descriptor of C type OCIAQAgent.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQNFY - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing notification descriptor of C type OCIAQNotify.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQLIS_OPTIONS - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing listen descriptor of C type OCIAQListenOpts.

  • OCI_DTYPE_AQLIS_MSG_PROPERTIES - Specifies generation of an Advanced Queuing message properties descriptor of C type OCIAQLisMsgProps.

  • OCI_DTYPE_SHARDING_KEY - Specifies generation of the shard key or the shard group key of C type OCIShardingKey.

  • OCI_DTYPE_SRVDN - Specifies generation of a Distinguished Names descriptor of C type OCIServerDNs.

  • OCI_DTYPE_UCB - Specifies generation of a user callback descriptor of C type OCIUcb.

xtramem_sz (IN)

Specifies an amount of user memory to be allocated for use by the application for the lifetime of the descriptor.

usrmempp (OUT)

Returns a pointer to the user memory of size xtramem_sz allocated by the call for the user for the lifetime of the descriptor.


Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized descriptor, corresponding to the type specified in type. A non-NULL descriptor or LOB locator is returned on success. No diagnostics are available on error.

This call returns OCI_SUCCESS if successful, or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if an out-of-memory error occurs.

See Also:

User Memory Allocation for more information about the xtramem_sz parameter and user memory allocation

17.3.6 OCIDescriptorFree()

Deallocates a previously allocated descriptor.


Deallocates a previously allocated descriptor.


sword OCIDescriptorFree ( void     *descp,
                          ub4       type );


descp (IN)

An allocated descriptor.

type (IN)

Specifies the type of storage to be freed. See the types listed in OCIDescriptorAlloc().


This call frees storage associated with a descriptor. Returns OCI_SUCCESS or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE. All descriptors can be explicitly deallocated; however, OCI deallocates a descriptor if the environment handle is deallocated.

If you perform LOB operations, you must always call OCILobFreeTemporary() before calling OCIDescriptorFree() to free the contents of the temporary LOB. See About Freeing Temporary LOBs for more information.

Related Topics

17.3.7 OCIHandleAlloc()

Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized handle.


Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized handle.


sword OCIHandleAlloc ( const void    *parenth,
                       void         **hndlpp, 
                       ub4            type, 
                       size_t         xtramem_sz,
                       void         **usrmempp );


parenth (IN)

An environment handle.

hndlpp (OUT)

Returns a handle.

type (IN)

Specifies the type of handle to be allocated. The allowed handles are described in Table 3-1.

xtramem_sz (IN)

Specifies an amount of user memory to be allocated.

usrmempp (OUT)

Returns a pointer to the user memory of size xtramem_sz allocated by the call for the user.


Returns a pointer to an allocated and initialized handle, corresponding to the type specified in type. A non-NULL handle is returned on success. All handles are allocated with respect to an environment handle that is passed in as a parent handle.

No diagnostics are available on error. This call returns OCI_SUCCESS if successful, or OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if an error occurs.

Handles must be allocated using OCIHandleAlloc() before they can be passed into an OCI call.

Related Topics

See Also:

User Memory Allocation for more information about using the xtramem_sz parameter for user memory allocation

17.3.8 OCIHandleFree()

Explicitly deallocates a handle


This call explicitly deallocates a handle.


sword OCIHandleFree ( void      *hndlp,
                      ub4        type );


hndlp (IN)

A handle allocated by OCIHandleAlloc().

type (IN)

Specifies the type of storage to be freed. The handles are described in Table 3-1.


This call frees up storage associated with a handle, corresponding to the type specified in the type parameter.

This call returns either OCI_SUCCESS, OCI_INVALID_HANDLE, or OCI_ERROR.

All handles may be explicitly deallocated. The OCI deallocates a child handle if the parent is deallocated.

When a statement handle is freed, the cursor associated with the statement handle is closed, but the actual cursor closing may be deferred to the next round-trip to the server. If the application must close the cursor immediately, you can make a server round-trip call, such as OCIServerVersion() or OCIPing(), after the OCIHandleFree() call.

17.3.9 OCIParamGet()

Returns a descriptor of a parameter specified by position in the describe handle or statement handle.


Returns a descriptor of a parameter specified by position in the describe handle or statement handle.


sword OCIParamGet ( const void        *hndlp,
                    ub4                htype,
                    OCIError          *errhp,
                    void             **parmdpp,
                    ub4                pos );


hndlp (IN)

A statement handle or describe handle. The OCIParamGet() function returns a parameter descriptor for this handle.

htype (IN)

The type of the handle passed in the hndlp parameter. Valid types are:

  • OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, for a parameter descriptor

  • OCI_HTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECT, for a complex object retrieval handle

  • OCI_HTYPE_STMT, for a statement handle

errhp (IN/OUT)

An error handle that you can pass to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information when there is an error.

parmdpp (OUT)

A descriptor of the parameter at the position given in the pos parameter, of handle type OCI_DTYPE_PARAM.

pos (IN)

Position number in the statement handle or describe handle. A parameter descriptor is returned for this position.


OCI_ERROR is returned if there are no parameter descriptors for this position.


This call returns a descriptor of a parameter specified by position in the describe handle or statement handle. Parameter descriptors are always allocated internally by the OCI library. They can be freed using OCIDescriptorFree(). For example, if you fetch the same column metadata for every execution of a statement, then the program leaks memory unless you explicitly free the parameter descriptor between each call to OCIParamGet().

See Also:

Handle and Descriptor Attributes for more detailed information about parameter descriptor attributes

17.3.10 OCIParamSet()

Sets a complex object retrieval (COR) descriptor into a COR handle.


Sets a complex object retrieval (COR) descriptor into a COR handle.


sword OCIParamSet ( void           *hndlp,
                    ub4             htype,
                    OCIError       *errhp,
                    const void     *dscp,
                    ub4             dtyp,
                    ub4             pos );


hndlp (IN/OUT)

Handle pointer.

htype (IN)

Handle type.

errhp (IN/OUT)

An error handle that you can pass to OCIErrorGet() for diagnostic information when there is an error.

dscp (IN)

Complex object retrieval descriptor pointer.

dtyp (IN)

Descriptor type. The descriptor type for a COR descriptor is OCI_DTYPE_COMPLEXOBJECTCOMP.

pos (IN)

Position number.


The COR handle must have been previously allocated using OCIHandleAlloc(), and the descriptor must have been previously allocated using OCIDescriptorAlloc(). Attributes of the descriptor are set using OCIAttrSet().

See Also:

Complex Object Retrieval for more information about complex object retrieval