22.4 OCI Any Data Set Interface Functions

Lists and describes OCI Any Data set interface functions.

Table 22-6 lists the Any Data Set Interface functions that are described in this section.

Table 22-6 Any Data Set Functions

Function Purpose


Add a new skeleton instance to the OCIAnyDataSet and set all the attributes of the instance to NULL


Allocate an OCIAnyDataSet for the given duration and initialize it with the type information


Free the OCIAnyDataSet


Mark the end of OCIAnyDataSet creation


Get the number of instances in the OCIAnyDataSet


Return the OCIAnyData corresponding to an instance at the current position and update the current position


Get the type corresponding to an OCIAnyDataSet

22.4.1 OCIAnyDataSetAddInstance()

Adds a new skeleton instance to the OCIAnyDataSet and sets all the attributes of the instance to NULL.


Adds a new skeleton instance to the OCIAnyDataSet and sets all the attributes of the instance to NULL.


sword OCIAnyDataSetAddInstance ( OCISvcCtx       *svchp, 
                                 OCIError        *errhp, 
                                 OCIAnyDataSet   *data_set, 
                                 OCIAnyData     **data );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

data_set (IN/OUT)

OCIAnyDataSet to which a new instance is added.

data (IN/OUT)

OCIAnyData corresponding to the newly added instance. If (*data) is NULL, a new OCIAnyData is allocated for the same duration as the OCIAnyDataSet. If (*data) is not NULL, it is reused. This OCIAnyData can be subsequently constructed using the OCIAnyDataConvert() call, or it can be constructed piece-wise using the OCIAnyDataAttrSet() or the OCIAnyDataCollAddElem() calls.


This call returns this skeleton instance through the OCIAnyData parameter that can be constructed subsequently by invoking the OCIAnyData API.


The old value is not destroyed. You must destroy the old value pointed to by (*data) and set (*data) to a NULL pointer before beginning to make a sequence of these calls. No deep copying (of OCIType information or of the data part) is done in the returned OCIAnyData. This OCIAnyData cannot be used beyond the allocation duration of the OCIAnyDataSet (it is like a reference into the OCIAnyDataSet). The returned OCIAnyData can be reused on subsequent calls to this function, to sequentially add new data instances to the OCIAnyDataSet.

22.4.2 OCIAnyDataSetBeginCreate()

Allocates an OCIAnyDataSet for the given duration and initializes it with the type information.


The OCIAnyDataSet can hold multiple instances of the given type.


sword OCIAnyDataSetBeginCreate ( OCISvcCtx       *svchp, 
                                 OCIError        *errhp, 
                                 OCITypeCode      typecode, 
                                 const OCIType   *type, 
                                 OCIDuration      dur, 
                                 OCIAnyDataSet  **data_set );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

typecode (IN)

Typecode corresponding to the OCIAnyDataSet.

type (IN)

Type corresponding to the OCIAnyDataSet. If the typecode corresponds to a built-in type, such as OCI_TYPECODE_NUMBER, this parameter can be NULL. It should be non-NULL for user-defined types, such as OCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT, OCI_TYPECODE_REF, and collection types.

dur (IN)
Duration for which OCIAnyDataSet is allocated. It is one of these:
  • A user duration that was previously created. It can be created by using OCIDurationBegin().

  • A predefined duration, such as OCI_DURATION_SESSION.

data_set (OUT)

Initialized OCIAnyDataSet.


For performance reasons, the OCIAnyDataSet ends up pointing to the OCIType parameter passed in. You must ensure that the OCIType lives longer (has an allocation duration >= the duration of the OCIAnyData if the OCIType is a transient one, or has allocation or pin duration >= the duration of the OCIAnyData, if the OCIType is a persistent one).

Related Topics

22.4.3 OCIAnyDataSetDestroy()

Frees the OCIAnyDataSet.


Frees the OCIAnyDataSet.


sword OCIAnyDataSetDestroy ( OCISvcCtx      *svchp, 
                             OCIError       *errhp, 
                             OCIAnyDataSet  *data_set );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCI_ERROR.

data_set (IN/OUT)

OCIAnyDataSet to be freed.

Related Topics

22.4.4 OCIAnyDataSetEndCreate()

Marks the end of OCIAnyDataSet creation.


This function should be called after constructing all of its instances.


sword OCIAnyDataSetEndCreate ( OCISvcCtx      *svchp, 
                               OCIError       *errhp, 
                               OCIAnyDataSet  *data_set );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCI_ERROR.

data_set (IN/OUT)

Initialized OCIAnyDataSet.

Related Topics

22.4.5 OCIAnyDataSetGetCount()

Gets the number of instances in the OCIAnyDataSet.


Gets the number of instances in the OCIAnyDataSet.


sword OCIAnyDataSetGetCount( OCISvcCtx      *svchp, 
                             OCIError       *errhp, 
                             OCIAnyDataSet  *data_set, 
                             ub4            *count );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCI_ERROR.

data_set (IN/OUT)

A well-formed OCIAnyDataSet.

count (OUT)

Number of instances in OCIAnyDataSet.

Related Topics

22.4.6 OCIAnyDataSetGetInstance()

Returns the OCIAnyData corresponding to an instance at the current position and updates the current position.


Returns the OCIAnyData corresponding to an instance at the current position and updates the current position.


sword OCIAnyDataSetGetInstance ( OCISvcCtx      *svchp, 
                                 OCIError       *errhp, 
                                 OCIAnyDataSet  *data_set, 
                                 OCIAnyData    **data );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCI_ERROR.

data_set (IN/OUT)

A well-formed OCIAnyDataSet.

data (IN/OUT)

OCIAnyData corresponding to the instance. If (*data) is NULL, a new OCIAnyData is allocated for same duration as the OCIAnyDataSet. If (*data) is not NULL, it is reused.


Only sequential access to the instances in an OCIAnyDataSet is allowed. This call returns the OCIAnyData corresponding to an instance at the current position and updates the current position. Subsequently, the OCIAnyData access routines can be used to access the instance.

Related Topics

22.4.7 OCIAnyDataSetGetType()

Gets the type corresponding to an OCIAnyDataSet.


Gets the type corresponding to an OCIAnyDataSet.


sword OCIAnyDataSetGetType ( OCISvcCtx      *svchp, 
                             OCIError       *errhp, 
                             OCIAnyDataSet  *data_set, 
                             OCITypeCode    *tc,
                             OCIType       **type );


svchp (IN)

The OCI service context.

errhp (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCI_ERROR.

data_set (IN)

Initialized OCIAnyDataSet.

tc (OUT)

The typecode corresponding to the type of the OCIAnyDataSet.

type (OUT)

The type corresponding to the OCIAnyDataSet. This is NULL if the OCIAnyData corresponds to a built-in type.

Related Topics