6.6 Connecting Remotely to the Database

Learn how to connect to Oracle Database remotely.

There are many steps you must remember while connecting to the database remotely.


6.6.1 Connecting to a Database Using SYSDBA Privileges

When connecting to the starter database from a remote computer as SYS, you must use a different password from the one described in Oracle Database Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows when logging on with SYSDBA privileges.

This is because the password file enables database access in this situation and it requires the password oracle for this purpose.

6.6.2 About Verifying a Remote Database Using Encrypted Passwords

Learn how to verify a remote database using encrypted passwords.

With Oracle Database, the password used to verify a remote database connection is automatically encrypted. Whenever a user attempts a remote login, Oracle Database encrypts the password before sending it to the remote database. If the connection fails, then the failure is noted in the operating system audit log.


The configuration parameter ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is retained for backward compatibility and is set to true by default.