6.9 XML Conditions

XML conditions determine whether a specified XML resource can be found in a specified path.

6.9.1 EQUALS_PATH Condition

The EQUALS_PATH condition determines whether a resource in the Oracle XML database can be found in the database at a specified path.

Use this condition in queries to RESOURCE_VIEW and PATH_VIEW. These public views provide a mechanism for SQL access to data stored in the XML database repository. RESOURCE_VIEW contains one row for each resource in the repository, and PATH_VIEW contains one row for each unique path in the repository.


This condition applies only to the path as specified. It is similar to but more restrictive than UNDER_PATH.

For path_string, specify the (absolute) path name to resolve. This can contain components that are hard or weak resource links.

The optional correlation_integer argument correlates the EQUALS_PATH condition with its ancillary functions DEPTH and PATH.

See Also:



The view RESOURCE_VIEW computes the paths (in the any_path column) that lead to all XML resources (in the res column) in the database repository. The following example queries the RESOURCE_VIEW view to find the paths to the resources in the sample schema oe. The EQUALS_PATH condition causes the query to return only the specified path:

   WHERE EQUALS_PATH(res, '/sys/schemas/OE/www.example.com')=1;


Compare this example with that for UNDER_PATH Condition.

6.9.2 UNDER_PATH Condition

The UNDER_PATH condition determines whether resources specified in a column can be found under a particular path specified by path_string in the Oracle XML database repository. The path information is computed by the RESOURCE_VIEW view, which you query to use this condition.

Use this condition in queries to RESOURCE_VIEW and PATH_VIEW. These public views provide a mechanism for SQL access to data stored in the XML database repository. RESOURCE_VIEW contains one row for each resource in the repository, and PATH_VIEW contains one row for each unique path in the repository.


The optional levels argument indicates the number of levels down from path_string Oracle should search. For levels, specify any nonnegative integer.

The optional correlation_integer argument correlates the UNDER_PATH condition with its ancillary functions PATH and DEPTH.

See Also:

The related condition EQUALS_PATH Condition and the ancillary functions DEPTH and PATH


The view RESOURCE_VIEW computes the paths (in the any_path column) that lead to all XML resources (in the res column) in the database repository. The following example queries the RESOURCE_VIEW view to find the paths to the resources in the sample schema oe. The query returns the path of the XML schema that was created in XMLType Table Examples:

   WHERE UNDER_PATH(res, '/sys/schemas/OE/www.example.com')=1;
