Oracle Spatial and Graph Map Visualization Developer's Guide describes how to use the Oracle Spatial and Graph map visualization component (sometimes referred to as the map visualizer or the visualizer), a tool that renders maps showing different kinds of spatial data.
This document is intended primarily for programmers who develop applications that require maps to be drawn. You should understand Oracle Database concepts and the major concepts associated with XML, including DTDs. You should also be familiar with Oracle Spatial and Graph concepts, or at least have access to Oracle Spatial and Graph Developer's Guide.
This document is not intended for end users of websites or client applications.
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Related Documentation
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Database documentation set:
This product includes color specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer (
Use of OpenStreetMap (OSM) tiles is subject to their copyright (© OpenStreetMap contributors) and terms of use. For more information, see
The MVDEMO dataset is from Natural Earth (
). See the terms of use at:
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