16.5 About Managing Registry Parameters with Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows

Instead of using the add, edit, and delete parameters for an Oracle home, you can use the Oracle Home Configuration snap-in, one of several snap-ins included as part of Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows.

You must have Microsoft Management Console on your computer to use this product.


16.5.1 Starting Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows

Use this procedure to start Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows.

To start Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows:

  1. From the Start menu, select All Programs, then select Oracle - HOMENAME, then select Configuration and Migration Tools, and then select Administration Assistant for Windows.

    Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows starts.

  2. Expand Oracle Homes.
  3. Right-click the Oracle home that you want to modify.
  4. Click Properties. The Properties dialog appears.

16.5.2 Adding Oracle Home Parameters

Learn how to add an Oracle home parameter.

To add an Oracle home parameter:

  1. Click Add in the Properties dialog.

    The Add Value dialog appears.

  2. Enter the name in the Parameter Name field.
  3. Enter the value in the Parameter Value field.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Apply.

16.5.3 Editing Oracle Home Parameters

To change the default SID, select the SID from the Default SID list in the Properties dialog.

To edit one of the other parameters:

  1. Select the parameter in the Other Settings list in the Properties dialog.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Modify the value.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Apply.

16.5.4 Deleting Oracle Home Parameters

Use this procedure to delete an Oracle home parameter.

To delete an Oracle home parameter:

  1. Select the parameter in the Other Settings list in the Properties dialog.
  2. Click Delete.