





The SQL/JSON function JSON_QUERY finds one or more specified JSON values in JSON data and returns the values in a character string.

See Also:

Appendix C in Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for the collation derivation rules, which define the collation assigned to the character value returned by JSON_QUERY


Use this clause to specify the JSON data to be evaluated. For expr, specify an expression that evaluates to a text literal. If expr is a column, then the column must be of data type VARCHAR2, CLOB, or BLOB. If expr is null, then the function returns null.

If expr is not a text literal of well-formed JSON data using strict or lax syntax, then the function returns null by default. You can use the JSON_query_on_error_clause to override this default behavior. Refer to JSON_query_on_error_clause.


You must specify FORMAT JSON if expr is a column of data type BLOB.


Use this clause to specify a SQL/JSON path expression. The function uses the path expression to evaluate expr and find one or more JSON values that match, or satisfy, the path expression. The path expression must be a text literal. See Oracle Database JSON Developer's Guide for the full semantics of JSON_basic_path_expression.


Use this clause to specify the data type and format of the character string returned by this function.


Use the RETURNING clause to specify the data type of the character string. If you omit this clause, then JSON_QUERY returns a character string of type VARCHAR2(4000).

You can use the JSON_return_type_clause to specify the following data type:

  • VARCHAR2[(size [BYTE,CHAR])]

    When specifying the VARCHAR2 data type elsewhere in SQL, you are required to specify a size. However, in this clause you can omit the size. In this case, JSON_QUERY returns a character string of type VARCHAR2(4000).

    Refer to "VARCHAR2 Data Type" for more information.

If the data type is not large enough to hold the return character string, then this function returns null by default. You can use the JSON_query_on_error_clause to override this default behavior. Refer to the JSON_query_on_error_clause.


Specify PRETTY to pretty-print the return character string by inserting newline characters and indenting.


Specify ASCII to automatically escape any non-ASCII Unicode characters in the return character string, using standard ASCII Unicode escape sequences.


Use this clause to control whether this function wraps the values matched by the path expression in an array wrapper—that is, encloses the sequence of values in square brackets ([]).

  • Specify WITHOUT WRAPPER to omit the array wrapper. You can specify this clause only if the path expression matches a single JSON object or JSON array. This is the default.

  • Specify WITH WRAPPER to include the array wrapper. You must specify this clause if the path expression matches a single scalar value (a value that is not a JSON object or JSON array) or multiple values of any type.

  • Specifying the WITH UNCONDITIONAL WRAPPER clause is equivalent to specifying the WITH WRAPPER clause. The UNCONDITIONAL keyword is provided for semantic clarity.

  • Specify WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER to include the array wrapper only if the path expression matches a single scalar value or multiple values of any type. If the path expression matches a single JSON object or JSON array, then the array wrapper is omitted.

The ARRAY keyword is optional and is provided for semantic clarity.

If the function returns a single scalar value, or multiple values of any type, and you do not specify WITH [UNCONDITIONAL | CONDITIONAL] WRAPPER, then the function returns null by default. You can use the JSON_query_on_error_clause to override this default behavior. Refer to the JSON_query_on_error_clause.


Use this clause to specify the value returned by this function when the following errors occur:

  • expr is not well-formed JSON data using strict or lax JSON syntax

  • No match is found when the JSON data is evaluated using the SQL/JSON path expression. You can override the behavior for this type of error by specifying the JSON_query_on_empty_clause.

  • The return value data type is not large enough to hold the return character string

  • The function matches a single scalar value or, multiple values of any type, and the WITH [UNCONDITIONAL | CONDITIONAL] WRAPPER clause is not specified

You can specify the following clauses:

  • NULL ON ERROR - Returns null when an error occurs. This is the default.

  • ERROR ON ERROR - Returns the appropriate Oracle error when an error occurs.

  • EMPTY ON ERROR - Specifying this clause is equivalent to specifying EMPTY ARRAY ON ERROR.

  • EMPTY ARRAY ON ERROR - Returns an empty JSON array ([]) when an error occurs.

  • EMPTY OBJECT ON ERROR - Returns an empty JSON object ({}) when an error occurs.


Use this clause to specify the value returned by this function if no match is found when the JSON data is evaluated using the SQL/JSON path expression. This clause allows you to specify a different outcome for this type of error than the outcome specified with the JSON_query_on_error_clause.

You can specify the following clauses:

  • NULL ON EMPTY - Returns null when no match is found.

  • ERROR ON EMPTY - Returns the appropriate Oracle error when no match is found.

  • EMPTY ON EMPTY - Specifying this clause is equivalent to specifying EMPTY ARRAY ON EMPTY.

  • EMPTY ARRAY ON EMPTY - Returns an empty JSON array ([]) when no match is found.

  • EMPTY OBJECT ON EMPTY - Returns an empty JSON object ({}) when no match is found.

If you omit this clause, then the JSON_query_on_error_clause determines the value returned when no match is found.


The following query returns the context item, or the specified string of JSON data. The path expression matches a single JSON object, which does not require an array wrapper. Note that the JSON data is converted to strict JSON syntax in the returned value—that is, the object property names are enclosed in double quotation marks.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('{a:100, b:200, c:300}', '$') AS value


The following query returns the value of the member with property name a. The path expression matches a scalar value, which must be enclosed in an array wrapper. Therefore, the WITH WRAPPER clause is specified.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('{a:100, b:200, c:300}', '$.a' WITH WRAPPER) AS value


The following query returns the values of all object members. The path expression matches multiple values, which together must be enclosed in an array wrapper. Therefore, the WITH WRAPPER clause is specified.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('{a:100, b:200, c:300}', '$.*' WITH WRAPPER) AS value


The following query returns the context item, or the specified string of JSON data. The path expression matches a single JSON array, which does not require an array wrapper.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[0,1,2,3,4]', '$') AS value


The following query is similar to the previous query, except the WITH WRAPPER clause is specified. Therefore, the JSON array is wrapped in an array wrapper.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[0,1,2,3,4]', '$' WITH WRAPPER) AS value


The following query returns all elements in a JSON array. The path expression matches multiple values, which together must be enclosed in an array wrapper. Therefore, the WITH WRAPPER clause is specified.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[0,1,2,3,4]', '$[*]' WITH WRAPPER) AS value


The following query returns the elements at indexes 0, 3 through 5, and 7 in a JSON array. The path expression matches multiple values, which together must be enclosed in an array wrapper. Therefore, the WITH WRAPPER clause is specified.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]', '$[0, 3 TO 5, 7]' WITH WRAPPER) AS value


The following query returns the fourth element in a JSON array. The path expression matches a scalar value, which must be enclosed in an array wrapper. Therefore, the WITH WRAPPER clause is specified.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[0,1,2,3,4]', '$[3]' WITH WRAPPER) AS value


The following query returns the first element in a JSON array. The WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER clause is specified and the path expression matches a single JSON object. Therefore, the value returned is not wrapped in an array. Note that the JSON data is converted to strict JSON syntax in the returned value—that is, the object property name is enclosed in double quotation marks.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[{a:100},{b:200},{c:300}]', '$[0]'


The following query returns all elements in a JSON array. The WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER clause is specified and the path expression matches multiple JSON objects. Therefore, the value returned is wrapped in an array.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[{"a":100},{"b":200},{"c":300}]', '$[*]'


The following query is similar to the previous query, except that the value returned is of data type VARCHAR2(100).

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[{"a":100},{"b":200},{"c":300}]', '$[*]'


The following query returns the fourth element in a JSON array. However, the supplied JSON array does not contain a fourth element, which results in an error. The EMPTY ON ERROR clause is specified. Therefore, the query returns an empty JSON array.

SELECT JSON_QUERY('[{"a":100},{"b":200},{"c":300}]', '$[3]'
       EMPTY ON ERROR) AS value
